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BIJOU acoustic // FINISSZÁZS// Maria Siorba & Száraz Katalin kiállítása
2024, July 27 @ 19:00 - 22:00 CEST
Szeretettel meghívunk Maria Siorba és Száraz Katalin kollaboratív kiállításának kötetlen hangulatú finisszázsára, a Bijou akusztikus verziójának közreműködésével, július 27. 19:00 órára!
A Bijou zenekar énekesnője Hártó Szilvia és Száraz Kata barátsága és közös projektjeik már 2008 óta tartanak.
Most, hogy Szilvi zenekara a Bijou újra muzsikájával örvendezteti meg a nagyközönséget, ő és zenésztársa Horváth Gábor zárják majd Kata és görög alkotótársa Maria Siorba közös kiállítását pár akusztikusra hangolt Bijou dal kíséretében, melyek hangulata és szövegei csodásan rezonálnak a kiállítás tematikájával.
Csatlakozz hozzánk erre a laza zenés-batyus piknikre a Foton galériába, ahol a közönséget finom borral és falatokkal várjuk, ám ha mást is fogyasztanál és szívesen letáboroznál velünk a galáriában egy jó estére, te is hozzájárulhatsz a pinkik hangulathoz.
Gyertek, élvezzük együtt a zenét és beszélgessünk a munkákról✨
Maria Siorba:
Száraz Katalin:
A kiállításról bővebben: https://punkt.hu/2024/06/15/kapcsolatteremtes-identitas-otthon-maria-siorba-es-szaraz-katalin-kiallitasa-a-foton-galeriaban/
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We warmly invite you to the informal closing event of Maria Siorba and Katalin Száraz’s collaborative exhibition, with the participation of Bijou acoustic session, on July 27 at 7:00 PM!
The friendship and joint projects of the singer of the Bijou band, Szilvia Hártó, and Kata Száraz have been ongoing since 2008. Now that Szilvi’s band Bijou is once again delighting the public with their music, she and her bandmate Gábor Horváth will close the joint exhibition of Kata and her Greek co-artist Maria Siorba with a few acoustically tuned Bijou songs, whose atmosphere and lyrics beautifully resonate with the theme of the exhibition.
Join us for this relaxed musical potluck picnic at the Foton Gallery, where we will welcome the audience with fine wine and snacks. However, if you would like to consume something else and camp out with us at the gallery for a good evening, you are also welcome to contribute to the picnic atmosphere.
Come, let’s enjoy the music together and talk about the artworks.
Bijou: https://www.facebook.com/p/Bijou-100063501229423/
Maria Siorba:
Száraz Katalin:
More about the exhibition:
Connection, home, and identity are the concepts embraced through the works of Maria Siorba and Kata Száraz. The artists, who met in Paris in 2017, share a deep friendship whose bond, along with their parallel trajectories in questioning and contemplation, has brought them together for an exhibition in Budapest.
Maria’s “How Much Left for Landing?”, is a collection of poetic, black-and-white, upscaled Polaroids that invites viewers into a realm of introspection. Her work explores the heightened emotional intensity and the urge for expression that arise from isolation within spaces or situations. In the images lie Maria’s intentions to seek answers regarding art’s capacity to reach the souls of others, in comparison to verbal communication.
In parallel, Kata’s project, “Are We There Yet?”, captures the essence of the rootless, nomadic lifestyle. In her visual installation she documents fleeting scenes in transient homes across various continents. Kata challenges conventional notions of permanence, urging viewers to reflect on the fluid nature of identity in the context of the concept of home.
While the two projects employ different visual languages, their commonality lies in contrasting the notions of stillness and movement. Maria’s approach is often dynamic, demonstrating a metaphor of spiritual movement, despite the calm and stationary state of the spaces where her images were mostly shot, whereas Kata’s photos reveal the moments of tranquility amidst the hustle of constant relocation.
Both series draw inspiration from longing, whether it be for connection, detachment, or simply a sense of the safety of home.
This collaborative installation at Foton Gallery, encourages the visitors to engage in a conversation that goes beyond borders and time. Through the connection of their friendship and a creative exchange of ideas, Siorba and Száraz offer insight into the universal quest for meaningful communication in a constantly changing world.
We are grateful to be choosen for this opportunity by Studio of Young Photographers and Association of Hungarian Photographers
Maria Siorba (b. 1986) is a visual artist based in Athens, Greece, with an educational background in Fine Arts, Graphic Design & Communication. Her photographic work, intimately connected to her personal life and experiences, delves into themes such as human connections, challenges of self-expression, mental malfunctions, the nature of understanding and trust. The manifestation of these within the visual environment is explored through the medium, from both psychological and existential perspectives, using symbolism and poetic language.
Her work have been exhibited at Circulations Festival (FR), PhMuseum Days (IT), Athens Photo Festival (GR), PEP group show (BE,GE). Recently, she has been selected as one of the Futures Photography Talents by Void.
Katalin Száraz (1988) is a Hungarian fine art photographer, based in Paris. She is using photography as a tool of therapy and exploration, applying the elements of experimental and narrative photography. Her observations are focused on the issue of home in the light of living abroad and the connection between identity and the rootless lifestyle, furthermore on remembrance and personal archive. She experiments a lot at the border areas of photography and mixes different mediums, so her works are characterised by aesthetic diversity, maintaining a specific coherence.
Kata graduated from Moholy University of Art and Design Budapest in 2015. Her photographs have been published and exhibited in New York, London, Paris, Milan, Budapest, Berlin, Gothenburg, Bratislava and Vienna. In 2020 she was selected for a group exhibition at the International Center of Photography in New York, in 2022 she was an invited exhibitor at ImageNation in Paris and has shown her work at several exhibitions at the Budapest Photo Festival.